Yael Acher (fløjte) & Kuno Kjærbye (violin )
Fri musik - fra renæssance til nu
Free music - from Renaissance to Present
Publikum kommer med på en musikalsk rejse - en ubændig bevægelse i landskaber af lyd!
Fri musik og improvisation med afsats i mesterlig renæssance- og barokmusik af Orlando di Lassu, J.S. Bach, G.Ph.Telemann eller spritny samtidsmusik af Yael Acher, Bo Andersen og Kuno Kjærbye.
Yael Acher og Kuno Kjærbye har hver sin årelange koncertkarriere både på free jazz-scenen for fri musik/improvisation og som klassiske kammermusikere.
Mens Yael boede i Danmark 2010’erne mødtes de og improviserede sammen.
Koncerten i Koncertkapellet er deres debut som duo.
We invite the audience to join us on a musical journey - an unbridled movement in landscapes of sound!
Free music and improvisation focuses on Renaissance and Baroque music masterpieces by Orlando di Lasso, J.S. Bach, G.Ph.Telemann as well as premiere of contemporary music by Yael Acher-Modiano, Bo Andersen, and Kuno Kjærbye.
Yael Ache KAT Modiano and Kuno Kjærbye are each established artists with concerts and compositions credits in free jazz, contemporary instant composition/improvisation and interpretations classical solo chamber music. While Yael lived in Denmark in the 2010s, they met and improvised together. This concert at KoncertKapellet (Concert Chapel) is the duo’s debut.
Yael Acher-Modiano "A Cloud Never Dies,” I-III, op.1 - duo
Yael Acher-Modiano "Unmuted Existence (Prayer for Peace)" - fløjte solo
J.S. Bach (1685-1750) Suite nr 2 i D-dur BWV 10008
Yael Acher-Modiano/ Jig - duo impro
Kuno Kjærbye
Bo Andersen Te Lucis Rhapsody - violin solo (fantasi over middelalder-hymne)
Yael Acher-Modiano/ Recedant somnia (dreams defend our eyes) - duo impro over Te Lucis
Kuno Kjærbye
Orlando di Lasso “Bicinias” nr. 1,2, 21 m.fl. & impro - duo
Georg Philip Telemann Gulliver Suite - duo
Lilliputsche Chaconne
Brobdingnigische Giqve
Reverie der Laputier, nebst ihren Aufweckern
Loure der gesitteten Houyhnhnms/Furie der unartigen Yahoos
Yael Acher-Modiano/ Freedom - impro
Kuno Kjærbye
Yael Acher - flute (USA)
- award winning flutist, composer, and Fulbright scholar. Yael holds a BA degree in Classical flute and MA degree in Music for Social Change. She works with acoustic and electro-acoustic sound mediums within classical, contemporary, jazz, tango, improvisation, music for Silent films and choreography. Her performances and commissions span over Europe, Israel, Japan, USA, and Canada. She also performs interactive concerts at hospices, shelters, Juvenile Detention Centers, and benefit concerts for social causes. Yael teaches flute, Masterclasses, and Interactive Music Appreciation (in-person and virtually). Currently living in New York City, Yael lived in Copenhagen for long periods.
More about Yael:
Distances & Sounds / Humanity is an Ocean
Electro-acoustic Contemporary music and video collage composed and performed by Yael Acher "KAT" Modiano
Kuno Kjærbye
- violinist and composer graduated as a soloist 1985 from the Royal Danish Academy of Music with Eyvind Sand Kjeldsen and Endre Wolf as his teachers.
Studies at New England Conservatory, Boston, US 1982-83.
Kjærbye has 1st performed many works by Danish as well other European composers and has performed in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Germany, France, UK a.o.
Koncerten gennemføres med støtte fra Puljen til kultur- og idrætsarrangementer, Roskilde Kommune og DMF-Roskilde
The concert is supported by the Fund for Cultural and Sports Events, Roskilde Kommune and DMF-Roskilde.